

Nome da Disciplina: TEORIA DOS JOGOS
Carga Horária: 60
Créditos: 3
Obrigatória: Não
Jogos de dois jogadores. Racionalidade presumida. Equilíbrio de Nash e ótimos de Pareto em jogos de soma não nula. Jogos de soma zero e as estratégias mistas. Jogos sequenciais. Jogo da barganha de Nash. Jogos com mais de dois jogadores. Coalizões. Jogos de produção. DEA-Game. Estudo e discussão de artigos relevantes sobre Teoria dos Jogos.
Fiani, R. Teoria dos Jogos, Campus-Elsevier, 2006 González-Pachón, J., Romero, C. The design of socially optimal decisions in a consensus scenario (2011) Omega, 39 (2), pp. 179-185. Guajardo, M., Jörnsten, K. Common mistakes in computing the nucleolus (2015) European Journal of Operational Research, 241 (3), pp. 931-935. Ishii, M., Lee, P.T.-W., Tezuka, K., Chang, Y.-T. A game theoretical analysis of port competition (2013) Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 49 (1), pp. 92-106. Li, D.-F., Hong, F.-X. Alfa-cut based linear programming methodology for constrained matrix games with payoffs of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (2013) Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 12 (2), pp. 191-213. Li, D.-F. An effective methodology for solving matrix games with fuzzy payoffs (2013) IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43 (2), pp. 610-621. Li, D.-F. A fast approach to compute fuzzy values of matrix games with payoffs of triangular fuzzy numbers (2012) European Journal of Operational Research, 223 (2), pp. 421-429. Li, D.-F., Hong, F.-X. Solving constrained matrix games with payoffs of triangular fuzzy numbers (2012) Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64 (4), pp. 432-446. Li, D.-F. Linear programming approach to solve interval-valued matrix games (2011) Omega, 39 (6), pp. 655-666. Li, Y., Lan, X., Deng, X., Sadiq, R., Deng, Y. Comprehensive consideration of strategy updating promotes cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game (2014) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 403, pp. 284-292. Li, Y., Chen, Y., Liang, L., Xie, J. DEA models for extended two-stage network structures (2012) Omega, 40 (5), pp. 611-618. Liang, L., Wu, J., Cook, W.D., Zhu, J. The DEA game cross-efficiency model and its Nash equilibrium (2008) Operations Research, 56 (5), pp. 1278-1288. Lozano, S. DEA production games (2013) European Journal of Operational Research, 231 (2), pp. 405-413. Lozano, S. Information sharing in DEA: A cooperative game theory approach (2012) European Journal of Operational Research, 222 (3), pp. 558-565. Martzoukos, S.H., Zacharias, E. Real option games with R&D and learning spillovers (2013) Omega (United Kingdom), 41 (2), pp. 236-249. Mcnickle, G.G., Dybzinski, R. Game theory and plant ecology (2013) Ecology Letters, 16 (4), pp. 545-555. Menden-Deuer, S., Rowlett, J. Many ways to stay in the game: Individual variability maintains high biodiversity in planktonic microorganisms (2014) Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11 (95), art. no. 20140031. Varmaz, A., Varwig, A., Poddig, T. Centralized resource planning and Yardstick competition (2013) Omega (United Kingdom), 41 (1), pp. 112-118. Wang, M., Li, Y. Supplier evaluation based on Nash bargaining game model (2014) Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (9), pp. 4181-4185. Wu, C.-H. OEM product design in a price competition with remanufactured product (2013) Omega (United Kingdom), 41 (2), pp. 287-298. Wu, J., Liang, L., Chen, Y. DEA game cross-efficiency approach to Olympic rankings (2009) Omega, 37 (4), pp. 909-918. Xu, Y., Liu, J., Zhong, X., Chen, S. Lattice-valued matrix game with mixed strategies for intelligent decision support (2012) Knowledge-Based Systems, 32, pp. 56-64. Zhou, Z., Sun, L., Yang, W., Liu, W., Ma, C. A bargaining game model for efficiency decomposition in the centralized model of two-stage systems (2013) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 64 (1), pp. 103-108.

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